Why An African History Month

Why, An African History Month?

The motherland's histories are complex with over 2000 cultures, constituting, different languages, traditions and customs and they all have their own stories to tell. It would be mutually beneficial to have our history to be accessible in one historical umbrella. Each month would address a different topic. This will plant the seeds of knowledge to be harvest for the future generations. Most importantly, "African History Month" would serve as a catalyst to correct the gross misconceptions, omission and distortions of it's history.of African people globally.

The word African specifically relates to the indigenous people of the African continent and their descents in the Diaspora ( Caribbean , Americas , Arabia , etc). The race-nationality model such as that currently employed by African-American, African-Brazilian and African-Caribbean communities more accurately describes the identity whilst fully articulating the history and geopolitical reality

The miscellaneous usage of the label 'Black' within this site reflects its contemporary use as a means to denote a specific
sociocultural and political context. It is recognized as a colloquial term that was fashioned as a reactionary concept to derogatory racial epithets in the 1960's. It is offensive when used as a racial classification code word to denote African people. Other such denigrating terminology when made in reference to African culture, heritage or identity are 'Tribe', 'Sub-Saharan Africa', or 'black Africa '.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Precolumbian Muslims in the Americas

Numerous evidence suggests that Muslims from Spain and West Africa arrived to the Americas at least five centuries before Columbus. It is recorded,for example, that in the mid-tenth century, during the rule of the Ummayyed Caliph Abdul-Rahman III (929-961 CE), Muslims of African origin sailed westward from the Spanish port of DELBA(Palos) into the "Ocean of darkness and fog". They returned after a long absence with much booty from a "strange and curious land". It is evident that people of Muslim origin are known to have accompanied Columbus and subsequent Spanish explorers to the New World.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015


In the late 1800s to well into the 1900s, Europeans created “human zoos” in cities like Paris; Hamburg, Germany; Antwerp, Belgium; Barcelona, Spain; London; Milan; Warsaw, Poland; St Louis; and New York City. These were popular human exhibits where whites went to watch Black people who were on display. The Black people were usually forced to live behind gates and in cages similar to animals in a zoo today.

Some of the Black people were kidnapped and brought to be exhibited in the human zoos. Many of them died quickly, some within a year of their captivity. A large number of visitors attended these exhibitions in each city daily. For example, the Parisian World Fair featured a human zoo that exhibited Black people, and 34 million people were drawn to the exhibition in just six months.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BHM: Bajan Stick licking

BAJAN STICK LICKIN’ is a stick fighting martial art that has its roots from Africa, where two participants used fire hardened wooden sticks, varying in length as weapons and carrying out fighting techniques.

This art most likely came to Barbados during the 16th century, when the Europeans brought slaves to the Americas i.e. The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade.
- See more at: http://www.nationnews.com/nationnews/news/63977/bhm-bajan-stick-licking#sthash.lMRLpIF9.dpuf

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Tryal Slave Ship Rebellion, 1805

The Tryal Rebellion of 1805 is a little known account of a shipboard slave uprising in the South Pacific off the coast of Chile. In 1803 a number of West African Muslims were purchased by the Spanish in what is now Senegal and put on a slave ship bound for Buenos Aires in the Spanish colony of Argentina. After their arrival they were marched across the Argentine pampas and the Andes Mountains to the Chilean port of Valparaiso. There 72 surviving Africans were placed on another Spanish ship, the Tryal, which intended to take them north to the slave markets of Peru and Ecuador. - See more at: http://www.blackpast.org/gah/tryal-slave-ship-rebellion-1805.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How Europe Succeeded to Make Africans Happy About Their Colonization And Enslavement's

How Europe Succeeded to Make Africans Happy about their Colonization Though they wish, Europeans don’t have the physical capacity to occupy Africa. Africa is too big, too vast and too diverse. However, Europe has the power to ideologically occupy Africa. They have chosen that road and it’s giving them even better results, than physical occupation.

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